Pending in Hillcrest

7 Riki Beth

7 Riki Beth

7 Riki Beth Lane, Old Greenwich, reports a pending sale. Last listing price was $2.195 million, from an original asking price of $2.850. The owners paid $2.475 for it back in 2012 which, at the time, I thought was the bottom of our market, but at least for this house, I was wrong.

I really like this home — a former carriage house — but it's quirky, and that always reduces the buyer pool. The owners did a fantastic job of renovating a property where, according to the original listing, Lillian Hellman wrote, and Leonard Bernstein performed. From what I remember being told by the 2012 agent, it was a real party house, attracting the glitterati of New York and host to some great parties. May that tradition continue.