12 hours on, I'm sure they've been properly schooled

Steven Colbert's audience wasn't prepped

Steven Colbert's audience wasn't prepped

Steven Colbert announces Comey's firing without advance warning and his audience, still remembering their party's demand for exactly that, cheers wildly.

By now, they'll be onboard with the new theme of "Saturday Night Massacre", but you can't blame the poor sheeple for being confused: it's hard for them to keep up with the changing shifts at party central. 

Exactly the same thing happened to the Communist Party USA members, who were demanding US neutrality in WWII as late as the evening before Hitler broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and invaded the mother ship. Our native commies were instructed that the new party line was "Open a Second Front Now!" the very next morning, but it took almost a full day before all of them received word from their masters of the new, correct line of thought, and like last night's Colbert incident, some embarrassing moments were witnessed before they were straightened out.