Persons of color, Asians and Greeks barred from celebrating Halloween tonight

At least, I assume that’s the logical extension of the past decades of liberals’ wailing about “cultural appropriation”. Halloween is a celebration imported from Ireland, with a version that came over from England. No room for non-whites to participate.

The utter stupidity and ignorance of the liberals on this (and all other issues) has become numbing, but Halloween always brings out the worst of the hysteria. Idiots on college campuses, led by teachers and administrators lead the charge, but their mush-brained pupils follow right along. And the movement has now extended all the way down to kindergarten, where children are warned this yer against wearing super-hero “Black Panther” costumes.

“Cultural appropriation” has become a common term on campuses and is receiving broader meaning with each passing year. In Utah, a high school student was denounced for wearing a Chinese dress to her prom [ form of dress adopted from the Portuguese on Macao - Ed.]. White students wearing hoop earrings or dreadlocks have been denounced, while there have been protests over serving sushi at Oberlin College [and the “traditional Vietnamese sandwich because the baguette wasn’t “authentic. The baguette! Intruduced by the French colonialists], holding yoga classes at the University of Ottawa or having a “Mexican food night” at Clemson University. The reason behind such limitless forms of cultural appropriation is its limitless meaning. Fordham University law professor Susan Scafidi has defined the term as encompassing the “unauthorized use of another culture’s dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols” and more.

(The full article this paragraph was excerpted from can be found at the link above; well recommended)

Let’s not even go here

Let’s not even go here