Dear Governor Malloy: I'm a member of the NRA: I didn't bankrupt the state, destroy our infrastructure, or subvert the laws of our country. So who's the terrorist?

Did I just say something inane? Again??!!!

Did I just say something inane? Again??!!!

An irrelevant Dannel Malloy calls NRA members "terrorists". The faster he's out of here, the better.

A minor note: he and his posse now complain that Connecticut's pistol-carry-permit law requires, besides a criminal background check: local, state and federal, that the applicant complete an NRA-certified instructor's 8-hour pistol safety course (including a range session). The reason for that requirement is that the NRA is the only organization that certifies such instructors, and that only after intensive training and examination. Despite what this idiot and his friends claim, NRA - certified instructors are private individuals, with no fees flowing to the organization itself: they'e accredited by the NRA, period. Even if Daniel himself were to offer to provide that same training course, I wouldn't trust him to ensure my safety or the safety of others, nor should the residents of this state.