Not on the scale of their "proof" that Trump conspired with the Russians, but all of a piece

“Disillusioned Trump voter” quoted by DNC, NYT, et al, didn’t vote in 2016

An allegedly regretful Trump voter in Pennsylvania, highlighted in videos by a Democratic political action committee and by The New York Times, never actually voted in 2016.

News organization JET 24, an ABC affiliate, found after checking county voting records that Mark Graham of Erie County, Pennsylvania, did not vote in the presidential election three years ago.

Mr. Graham is featured in videos funded by America Bridge, a Democratic PAC, as part of a $5 million advertising campaign in the battleground states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan.

In an ad, Mr. Graham states, “I voted for Donald Trump in 2016 because I thought he would make a change.” But he laments the change was “not for the good,” and complains that the president “plays favorites for people like himself … he doesn’t understand life around here.”

He was also featured in two New York Times articles about dissatisfied Trump voters and swing voters. The Times has since issued corrections and verified that Mr. Graham did not vote in 2016.