It's like something from the worst dystopian novel, or a dispatch from a communist country

Former Government Official Charged With Falsely Accusing 7 Colleagues of Participating in J6 Riot

An interoffice revenge tale doesn’t particularly concern me; standard fare, even if it occured in one of the government spy agencies. It’s the second part of this story that’s so horrifying:

The FBI is still getting tips on the tipline that they set up in the immediate aftermath of J6. They have been aided by an army of private citizens who call themselves "sedition hunters" and who spend their lives pouring over video from the riot trying to find someone who might have escaped the clutches of the FBI.

The "PBS News Hour" from Jan. 3, 2024, shows Judy Woodruff interviewing one of the citizen snitches named "Sandy."

“One of the first things is just getting a face. And there is one rioter, #OrangeGoggleSpiker is his hashtag, you can see him in the tunnel section of the Capitol beating up the officers.

“Eventually, when I found his face, we were able to plug it into some facial recognition software. That popped up a picture of him at his work.”


Big Brother puts out the word: “We’re looking for Citizen X, who has been determined to be an enemy of the state”, and dutiful citizens scramble to locate and denounce the criminal. It’s not just coming, it’s already here.