Never let a good panic go to waste

The Jan. 18, 1999, cover of TIME 

The Jan. 18, 1999, cover of TIME


Remembering Y2K over at PJ Media

Does anyone remember the ZOMGWEAREALLGOINGTODIE coverage in the media during the run-up to Y2k? Remember how all the talking heads spun that "crisis" up to be the end of the world as we knew it? There was a run on generators and other survival gear, and a whole cottage industry grew up around fears of an apocalypse. We were told that not only would all our computers be rendered obsolete, but banks would collapse, the power grid would fail, the supply chain would be paralyzed, and armed citizens would be forced to roam the countryside in search of food for their families.

At least the Y2K scare yielded a boom for computer manufacturers and IT consultants. This one is doing nothing useful, unless you call damaging the economy and possibly harming Trump’s reelection prospects. Oh, wait ….