Then, and now

Now: Boston Children’s Hospital says that transgenderism can begin in the womb

Several videos from Boston Children’s Hospital on transgender children are making the rounds. They highlight how destructive the transgender medical agenda is for children and how illogical transgender activists are.

Two of the videos claim that children can know that they are transgender from birth or even while still in utero. The hospital boasts that it regularly sees transgender children as young as 2 or 3 years old, when they meet with a psychologist who pushes them down the road of social gender transitioning. Concerned parents are told that beginning an irreversible process based on the word of a 2-year-old is just being “supportive.”

How do children know they are the wrong gender from birth or in the womb? That is not clear. In fact, it's hard even to imagine what that means. But we do apparently have metrics for when they are around 2 or 3. According to the hospital, a child refusing to get a haircut or playing with “opposite gender” toys can only mean that the child is transgender and must begin the gender transition process.

Boston Children’s Hospital’s Center for Gender Surgery is “the first center of its kind in the U.S. in a major pediatric hospital setting,” as it boasts on its website. It is operating on the logic that children can choose their gender because they know they are the wrong gender before they are even born.

By partnering with the hospital's nationally recognized Gender Management Service (GeMS), which provides a range of medical options for transgender youth, we help young people with gender identity concerns transfer seamlessly to surgical care if and when they are ready.

From the hospital’s website, linked to above):(The center currently offers vaginoplasty, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, chest reconstruction, breast augmentation, facial harmonization and other gender affirmation surgeries to eligible patients. We follow the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) guidelines to surgically treat people who are stable in their gender identity and have documentation of persistent gender dysphoria. You do not need to be a GeMS patient to have surgery at the center. All genital surgeries are only performed on patients age 18 and older.

So, no castration, penis, or womb removal before 18i. They will, however, start hormone “therapy” much earlier, and they’ll happily chop off the breasts of 15-year-old girls

When our kids were young, Nancy and I were quite the modern parents – modern by 1980s standards — and deliberately let our girls choose their own toys and how they dressed, with no pressure from us (John was trucks from the very beginning). Kate primarily played with her older brother’s trucks and bulldozers, preferred OshKos denim bib overalls, and collected bugs; he did, however refuse haircuts until he entered kindergarten at five and peer pressure drove him to the barber shop. Sarah was the princess when she was 3-5 changing her dresses 4X times a day and enjoyed creating fairy huts out of acorn caps.

Sarah is still all girl, but she’s also a successful businesswoman, rock climber, and back packer. Kate is a passionate salmon fisher, pistol shooter and hunter, and is happily married. Two days ago she gave birth to her first child, and you can see her joy in the picture below. Had we followed the advice of the medical experts at Boston Children’s Hospital, we’d have put her into psychotherapy at 3, started her on hormone treatments at 8, removed her breasts at 15, and asked those those experts to remove her womb and build her a penis at 18. And she would have missed out on the joy of being a mother. It’s no wonder the medical industry is distrusted and and ignored by so many of us: it’s infested with sick morons.

john and the princess

Colorado bouldering