The detective stories that have provided my entire knowledge of criminal law say that 50% of all murders are committed by the spouse*

Of course, they don’t say whose spouse, so let’s not rule out the Clintons just yet

Death of shot Clinton aide with Epstein ties found tied to tree ruled suicide — despite no gun at scene

  • The wife calls the police to complain about an “abandoned” vehicle she doesn’t recognise (even though it’s her husband’s car).

  • Wife waits for the police, and only after they arrive to serve as witnesses does she “discover” her husband’s body a few yards away, tied to tree with an extension cord around his neck and a shotgun wound in his chest.

  • Police open car’s trunk and find a box for a shotgun, and shells, but not the gun itself.

Just saying.

*Of course, 96.375% of statistics are made up on the spot, often by bloggers looking for catchy headlines