Our masters are growing impatient with us, so they're turning up the heat

oh, greta, no!

UN now says we have just 2 years to stop global warming or we’re all gonna die.

Simon Steiell, who currently is the United Nations Executive Climate Secretary, has yet another dire warning that the planet is burning, that all life on earth is about to evaporate, and that cows are farting too much for anything to survive the apocalypse. 

We’ve been hearing these deadlines for a couple of decades now; they never materialize, so, just as was seen in “When Prophesy Fails” a study of cult followers after the world didn’t end on December 21 1954, the true believers just double down and continue. For global warming profiteers like Al Gore and windmill makers, it makes sense to keep the carnival going; the rest of us may be growing tired of it all.

UPDATE. Related?

WORLD ENDS, GAY COUPLES AND MINORITIES HARDEST HIT: UCLA study: Gay couples at greater risk from climate change.

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