History's on his side

Stephen Green: It Always Starts With the Jews

….. "It's crazy," TwitterX user Justine wrote about the American Left, "how they went from 'punch a Nazi' to 'eradicate the Jews' in just 4 years." It isn't crazy at all once you realize that violence is the point. Justine was replying to this video, in which American college students can be heard chanting "Hamas make us proud" and "Burn Tel Aviv to the ground."

Having market-tested "Punch a Nazi" and met with no firm resistance, it was a natural progression "eradicate the Jews."

All the Party needs is a target, and Jews historically have been readily available. 

Which party doesn't matter. It could be Fascists, National Socialists, Communists, Hamas, or parts of today's Democrat Party we aren't supposed to talk about in polite company — but who are making their genocidal case in once-respected places of learning like Columbia University, Yale, Standford, and the list goes on.

"By tolerating the kind of anti-Semitism that is largely driven by Muslim extremism in Europe, Jews have become — and not for the first time in history — the canary in the coal mine, which is an early indicator of peril for everyone," the editors of the Jewish Star warned in 2020.

Everyone, not just the Jews.

Maybe the most important detail to remember about totalitarian societies is that hardly anyone is more afraid of the Party than Party members. Once the Party has established power and is done filling its mass graves, life can be relatively safe (albeit miserable) for the proletariat. If Comrade John Doe puts in his 12 hours a day at the tank plant or in the coal mine and keeps his head down and his mouth shut, his chances of ending up in the GULAG or a concentration camp are slim.

But if Comrade Doe becomes a member of the Party and is ever suspected of the slightest deviationism — or is even merely perceived as some kind of threat, however imaginary, to some other Party member — he might never know when he would hear the midnight knock on his door.

Maybe you're wondering why young totalitarians like those occupying parts of Yale desire a society where they would be at such risk. Their dirty little secret is that each one imagines themselves as the safe, high-ranking Party member with the nice dacha (or its Islamic equivalent) outside of town. What they forget is that there are a lot more bodies in mass graves than there are nice dachas. 

But that's the future. Right now there is a Republic to destroy and power to assume.