Why bother going all the way down to Tod's, when Kings has a ready supply of bases and a parking lot in which to use them?

¡Nunca lo pasamos tan bien en Venezuela!

You think you have barbecue skills, but do you have sword-skewer-on-a-shopping-cart barbecue skills?

Check out this Santa Monica man barbecuing over a shopping cart, using a sword as a skewer.

I mean the best part about that whole set up is how mobile it is.

You can literally barbecue on the go.

Too bad, he didn't go faster, as he got picked up by the Santa Monica police.

The grilling man is facing misdemeanor charges of theft, for having the shopping cart, reckless burning, because of the open flames, and resisting arrest, according to Santa Monica Police Lieutenant Erika Aklufi.

Luckily, as he was using the sword as a cooking utensil, he won't be facing a weapons charge, which gives me an idea to avoid all the gun confiscations in California.


Oh no, officer!

This is my long-distance meat tenderizer.

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