Well that didn't take long

Plenty of water back then - if only wicked man hadn't ruined the climate

Plenty of water back then - if only wicked man hadn't ruined the climate

With California's global-warming-caused "permanent" drought declared over on Friday after just five years, "scientist" have shifted their alarmism and now say that Colorado and its southwestern neighbors face catastrophe because of a thousand-year drought that, of course, can only be ended by eliminating global warming.

There's no question that there's a drought in the Southwest, though that doesn't seem all that surprising for a desert climate; after all, it became a desert, presumably, from lack of rainfall. But there's no mention by these objective scientists of the population growth in, say, Phoenix, Las Vegas and Los Angeles since 1922, when the waters of the Colorado were first divvied up, nor do they discuss the centuries-long drought that began in 1200 AD.  We all know, of course, that those wicked Pueblos were ruining the atmosphere back then with their fleet of millions of cars and trucks, but you'd think these experts would at least pay glancing reference to it.

If you're interested, there's a real article, published by a real scientist at the University of New Mexico in 2003, before global warming became a religion, here. The author discusses the droughts of 1000 AD, 1200 AD, 1500 AD, and 1950 AD, all of which lasted far longer than the current one, and writes this:

What could cause precipitation to remain lower than normal for months, years, or a decade or more? The dendrochronological record shows that droughts have occurred in New Mexico for centuries, long before people were plentiful enough to disrupt the climate system.  
• The 1950s drought was very substantial, but previous droughts (e.g., around A.D. 1000 and in the late thirteenth and sixteenth centuries) were both longer and drier.
The 1980s and 1990s were years of plentiful rainfall by comparison. Precipitation failed to exceed 12 inch- es only one year in those two decades. These were decades of explosive population growth in the state. It is imperative for policy makers to understand that recent climatic conditions in the 1980s and 1990s were not “normal” by any standard. The 1980s and 1990s were just as anomalously wet as the 1950s were anomalously dry. 
• The late twentieth century wet spell is truncat- ed by the smoothing function, but it is clearly a wet spell of historic proportions. 

Global warming may be happening, and human burning of CO2 may be contributing to it, but the lies and hysteria of proponents of the hypothesis cast doubt on that: why lie, if proof were available?