Yes, this is still a real estate blog, at least on weekdays, when there's news to report but ...

Head west, old man

Head west, old man

There's nothing, other than 75 Rock Maple, which I discussed below, to catch my eye today. I may be jaundiced, but we have a huge number of rentals (which might be an interesting topic in itself, I suppose), old listings coming back on at prices that are still too high, and a handful of $7 million + listings that will never sell at that price, so why write about them now, when we can revisit them in a few years? 

I do wonder why anyone would wait until what's essentially the somnolent summer season to bring a house on the market. Yes, there are still a few buyers out there, but the time to look for Greenwich's bread and butter: families who want their kids settled in by summer, was January-March. 

Sell in May, go away. I'm thinking a summer-long fishing excursion to Wyoming or, at the very least, a dude ranch trip to Montana with the girls and Pal Nancy.