Successful (okay, unsuccessful — see update) flip on Dearfield Drive

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8 Dearfield Drive asked $1.195 million in 2013 and sold via bidding war for $1.4. The successful bidders must have known what they were doing because, after renovating it in 2015, they placed it back up for sale at $2.5 million last October and it's now reported as under contract.

This wouldn't be my choice of location, but obviously, someone disagrees with me.

UPDATE: A broker close to the Fountain family and with knowledge of the history of this property has done my homework for me and informs me that the house was both renovated and expanded before being put back on the market 4 1/2 years ago at $3.825 million, so a sale in the low $2s was probably not a "successful" flip. We regret the error, though in my defense, although it was lost when my archives disappeared, I do recall suggesting back in 2013 that this property, cheek by jowl with a medical building, and across the street from the entrance to Greenwich Library, was a curious location to choose to renovate.

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