Why are we still funding UCONN?

Colonialists curtail  whale’s unbridled creativity

Colonialists curtail whale’s unbridled creativity

School mascot “the Colonial” must be removed because of King Leopold’s misbehaving in the Congo, or something

I originally wrote a longer post on this story, including the rantings of little woke children conflating Imperialism with our revolution and the creation of a free country, but I think the quality of our state education system is perfectly captured by one Victoria Santiago, “a musical theater major and rising sophomore from Newington” (no, I have no idea what a rising sophmore is, either) who explains her reasoning for preferring a whale as a replacement mascot:

“I started looking and came up with Whales because I think it’s something very appropriate for now,” Santiago said. “Whales are associated with compassion and solitude and knowledge of both life and death. Also, unbridled creativity. The exhalation of the blowhole symbolizes the freeing of one’s creative energy. Sound is a creative force of life.”

To the extent that Miss Santiago is accruing debt to achieve a degree in musical theater and deep thinking, it’s cruel to let her continue. And it’s even crueler to force taxpayers to sustain the farce that is modern higher education.