I just said that the Left wants to drag us down to a Soviet Union standard of living, and now the WaPo has backed me up

Micheline Maynard: Beauty, Soviet Style (but wait’ll she discovers that the Twinkies shelf is bare)

(Stephen Green, PJ Media)

Don’t rant about short-staffed stores and supply chain woes

WaPo columnist Micheline Maynard looked around at the long lines, rising prices, and understaffed stores and restaurants and concluded that you and your stupid high expectations need to take a chill pill:

Rather than living constantly on the verge of throwing a fit, and risking taking it out on overwhelmed servers, struggling shop owners or late-arriving delivery people, we’d do ourselves a favor by consciously lowering expectations.

"I found myself carrying home a loaf of bread in my bare hands because the bakery had run out of bags. Back when we didn’t know how good we had it — circa 2019 — I might have been annoyed by the inconvenience. Now I was just glad the bakery was still in business."