Greenwich Dems — but enough about Trump, let's talk about Trump!

Local Democrat flack David Rafferty is out with an opinion piece this morning in which he says he’ll lay off Trump and national issues for just this one day, and focus on Greenwich Republicans’ nefarious plans for town government. He then proceeds to mention Trump 14 times in his 6-paragraph rant, and spends the rest of his time attacking national policies that, he says, will be brought into town by Republicans. Issues like “denying women “health services” by which he means abortion, and denying aid and succor to illegal aliens.

He concludes his screed with a demand that the Republicans running for local office disclose where they stand: for Trump, or agin’ him. That would seem to be an irrelevant demand for an election dedicated to local issues. On the other hand, I suppose it’s fair: Oberland, her running mate, and Greenwich Democrats have made it explicitly clear what they stand for: increased spending, increased debt, sanctuary for criminals free abortions for transgenders, no ID voting, and the conversion of the Old Greenwich Civic Center into a shelter for asylum seekers while permanent placements are found for them in the homes of Greenwich Invisible ladies. It’s probably important to know whether any of our local Republican candidates support this prescription for making Greenwich great again, just so we know whether to save a trip to the polls.